Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Slight Edge

We all live busy lives. Work, cook, clean, take care of the kids, run errands, soccer practice, car pool, birthday parties, etc. We all run around living life, taking care of what needs to get done, but most of us are not really planning for the big goals we have set in our minds. "Someday I will get that", "One day I'll accomplish that goal. I just don't have the time right now", "It is too much to take on". Sound familiar?
I recently was told to read "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. Like many of us, my inside voice said, "I'll try to find the time to read that book". Well, I am proud to say, I stuck to that goal, and I did indeed read the book! I am so very glad that I did! I didn't put it in the "someday" pile as we all tend to do. I made the choice to read it, and it was such a great book, As I learned in this book, choices determine our path; good or bad. This seems so elementary, but it is so very true at the base of the concept. 
"The Slight Edge" is a "way of thinking, a way of processing information that enables you to make the daily choices that will lead you to the success and happiness you desire." You will "learn why some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else. The Slight Edge is not just another self-help tool for traveling the path to success. It is the doorway to creating powerful results in any area of your life, by using tools  you already hold within you."
Looking at those words on the inside cover of the book left me a bit skeptical. Was this really going to be the magical information I needed to get the house I dream about? The secret facts I need to help me save for retirement? Turns out, it was a reminder and an eye-opening reality; not a quick highway to success that I found in this book. 
When it comes down to it, every choice you make puts you on an upward trajectory or a downward one. We all want to be on that up and up, but we don't all make the consistent and constant choices to get us to where we want to go. We all put things off because it's easy to. It's easy to make the choice to not go to the gym because we are tired (I would rather lay on the couch too!) It's easy to say I will put money in savings next week. When we make these seemingly simple choices everyday, they add up to big consequences. We've all heard "it's the little things." This book takes that and magnifies the reality behind those four little words.

This book doesn't just touch on finances and business, as I thought it would. It really relates to all aspects of your life. I have seen the advantages of taking those steps and making those hard to make consistent and constant choices daily. I've seen my daily workouts change my body. I've seen the small and big changes in my diet alter the way I feel each day. The decisions and choices you make each and everyday determine your future. The amazing part that we seem to forget, is that the choices (the hard and easy ones) lie in our hands. WE determine which way our lives go! I am striving to be in that 5% that Jeff Olson talks about in this book. 
If you are unclear about how to refocus on that goal you have, I highly suggest you pick up this book and give it a good read. Baby steps. Read 10 pages a day. You can do that! It has given me a refreshed outlook on the future and the choices I make each and every day. It's not only making those choices, but sticking with them. In today's in-an-instant society of always wanting the quick fix, and the fast results, this book reminds us that all good things come to those who wait and put in the work. It's not an accident when success comes. No matter what facet of life it comes in, daily work was put in to accomplish the goals. You won't see immediate results, but don't let that discourage you, or let that be your reason to quit.  I can see the changes slowly happening, and it is looking like an exciting future! Join in on my ride, and start your own!
For more information on The Slight Edge, check out the site:

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