Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What's Been Happening?

I've been on this better health journey for about 4 months now, and people have started to notice a change in me. Not only physically but in other little aspects of my life. I've been asked by a few people in the last couple weeks what I am doing that is different because I look like I've lost weight, and I look like I feel good. My answer has been threefold. 
First and foremost, I have educated myself on the things that were making me so very sick. I took the information that Jen gave me, and continued to research things on my own. I want to understand the body better, but more specifically, my body. I have learned a lot so far about what I should be putting in my body and what I definitely should not be putting in my mouth. I've realized through research that food is medicine, and should be treated as such.

The second change was the food I have been eating. I have made some big changes with both meat and produce. Processed anything is out of the picture for me. I have become better at food prep, but am still mastering it. (Look for a post on food prep coming soon!) I understand better what my triggers are and what I need to avoid. I know now that meats with antibiotics and hormones injected in them make me very sick. This has made eating out virtually impossible, and makes date night that much harder, but the benefits of eating better meat has outweighed the inconvenience of not being able to grab something fast on the run. I eat fresh, wild fish, organic chicken, and grass fed/finished beef. I do my best to buy organic veggies, especially the ones on the dirty dozen list (more on that in a future post.) It's not always easy, but the farmer's market has been a life saver in that department. The veggies are so much cheaper there! I am still learning about food, but I would say I am well on my way to understanding. 

My third puzzle piece has been Isagenix products. The products have supplemented my body with the nutrients that I never was getting in the food I was eating, and still wouldn't get no matter what I put in my body. The products have made me feel better, given my body vital probiotics to heal my gut, energy to get through the days that I used to struggle through, and even helped me build lean muscle. So, those people who have been asking how much weight I've lost, or commented on how I am getting smaller......little secret.....I'm not! I actually haven't lost more than about 2-3 pounds. The reason I look different is because I have more lean muscle now. My body is transforming due to the food, exercise, and for sure the Isa products. The products feed your body what it needs. Many people go on the system and lose a lot of weight, but that's not what my body needed to do. My body is healing. My gut is under construction. The holes I created are being patched up, and I am on the mend. I couldn't do this without the Isa family I have inherited, or the Isa products I put in my body each day. This third puzzle piece has been imperative to my healing process.

All in all, I am definitely on the up and up. My body had some rough times with the probiotics because the bad bacteria was in a battle with the good, but I am happy to say that most days lately, the good guys have prevailed! I am feeling less and less sick. My bad days are fewer and farther between. I am feeling better. I know that I still have a long way to go on my journey to ultimate health, but I couldn't be more grateful for the steps I have taken in the right direction. I have had the support of friends, family, and even you wonderful readers. A journey this complicated isn't easy, but reinforcement makes it tolerable, and gets you through those hard days. Thank you for filling the role you play in my journey!

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