Friday, May 29, 2015

Surviving Summer BBQs

It's that time of year! Everyone is planning out their summer BBQ parties! It's arguably the best time of the year! The weather is warm, and people want to party outdoors and cook some good food on the grill. Given that I have only been eating organic and grass fed/finished meats for about 6 months, the BBQ dilemma never really crossed my mind; that is until Memorial Day came around. 
Lucky for me, my first experience was one in which we were the ones responsible for cooking. We even had a brand spanking new grill! The possibilities were endless! We ended up cooking delicious organic chicken wings, grass fed/finished hamburgers, organic and gluten free hot sausage, and some amazing vegetables. Perfection. This was a picture perfect scenario, but it won't always be this easy. I have already been invited to a few BBQs looking into the summer, and I will not be in control of the food choices. I won't be able to prepare the menu, or check the kinds of meats my friends have bought.....I don't want to be that preachy friend! So what to do? I have a few ideas that I think will get me through those fun parties without a hungry, rumbly tummy. 

My first approach: I will buy my own meat and turn the party into a BYOM party. I mean, we all BYOB already, why not BYOM? Of course, in order to not look entirely weird or rude, I will have to have a conversation with the host before I show up with a package of meat. Lucky for me, my friends are all supportive of my food sensitivities and how I have to eat. I am confident that they will be completely understanding of my request to throw my own meat onto the grill and cook myself up a yummy meal that will agree with me, and essentially keep me at the party longer. Now if I really plan things out right, I can try to get there a little early, and get my meat cooked up first so mine isn't touching any left over marinades or sauces. Sounds a little extreme, but over time, I have become more sensitive to small exposures to things like that. If I can't seem to make it early, I can always throw down a small little piece of tin foil or something of that nature. I'll find a way to make it work! You can also bring your own veggies to throw on the grill too! So many options of things to bring and enjoy! You could even get real fancy and make some amazing skewers to bring with you. You'll be the envy of the party! Grill on my friends! I'll have my safe food, be full and happy, and be able to spend more time with the people I love. Now, what if you are going to a party where you don't know the host that well? Here's what I do.

If I have been invited to a BBQ where I do not know the hosts, or they are just acquaintances, it does throw a little wrench into the BYOM mindset. I generally take one of two approaches in this situation. I either a) eat before I go or, b) bring already cooked food with me. It depends on the BBQ party and how well you know the people that will be there. If you're going there to socialize, I suggest just eating before you go. It's so much easier. You can always munch on some veggies and sip your beverage politely. I have taken this path a billion times. It is more relaxing, and you don't have to stress about what there will be to eat if you go with a full tummy.

If you know the people that are hosting a little better, or you are comfortable, bringing your own cooked meat in your cooler is also a great choice. You can always wrap it in tin foil and toss it on the back of the grill to warm it up. This way, you can sit, eat, and chat with the group and still be completely in the crowd when they sit down to enjoy their food; if that's your preference.

No matter which option is best for you and your party, get out there and enjoy grilling season! Grilled foods are healthy, and oh so delicious! Eating with food sensitivities can seem a little frightening when you have to venture to someone else's house and entrust them with your food. However, you should always be the one in control of the food you put in your mouth. Take the reins, get out there and spend a ton of time with those most important to you (and even with those who you are just meeting.) Together, we'll all survive, and really enjoy BBQ season. Grill on my friends, grill on!

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