Sunday, April 26, 2015

70% of You and Me

There are so many body facts from school that I remember, but yet don't always apply. Drinking water seems pretty easy to remember, but a very large part of the population is not drinking even close to the right amounts each day! I am guilty of this, and have started making this more a priority because when you break it down, water is a very large part of our make up as humans! Unfortunately, the most popular drink of choice in this country is soda. There are countless Americans that consume sugary, yucky soda daily instead of reaching for the healthier beverage of water. Water has a lot of important benefits to our health and our bodies. 
Let's first look at just how much water is needed for us to function! Check out the picture below! WOW! 

Looking at the picture above, you can see how important water is to our diets. It helps us in many ways:
1. Helps brain function
2. Helps lubricate joints
3. Helps keep the digestive tract moving smoothly
4. Helps flush out toxins
5. Helps our skin look youthful and beautiful
6. Helps us stay alert and not so sleepy
7. Keeps us full so we don't eat as much
8. Helps you feel happier
And the list goes on. To see a longer, more complete list, CLICK HERE
Just how much water should we be consuming each day? Well, that is up for debate, and there are many different schools of thought on that. Here are a few quick and easy guides to help you.

The second picture encourages a larger amount of water consumption each day, but they are not too far off from each other. Which ever one you want to use a s a gauge, it will only benefit your body and health. 
I have gotten into the habit of bringing a water bottle around with me everywhere. This is a great tip to ensure you are drinking enough water. Here are a few more tips as well.

One important thing to remember is that drinking water when you are thirsty is good, but when your body has gotten to the point of being thirsty, that's not a good thing. You want to keep yourself  hydrated throughout the day so you do not get to the point of thirst. With the hot summer days upon us, keep water on your brains, stay hydrated, and remember all of the important benefits water has on your body's health! Drink up!

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