Thursday, March 12, 2015

In Love With Farmers

Last Saturday, we decided that it was about time we checked out the local farmer's market. I've heard both rave reviews and negative reviews, so I figured it would be best for me to form my own opinion! Lucky for me, here in Florida it is easier for farmers markets to remain open year-round. The one in downtown St. Petersburg is one of the largest around. It happens every Saturday morning from 9am-2pm. There are a lot of vendors and a ton of patrons looking for the healthiest food choices available.

We got down to the market around 10am. There are already a lot of people there! It was admittedly a little overwhelming at first. So many vendors, people, and so much yummy looking/smelling food! Where to start?!? We wandered around the market going up and down the isles for a bit. We came across a woman who was selling nuts and dried fruit/veggies. We tried some of the dried green beans and some of the beats. They were to die for! Sold! Two bags please! I could have bought every single kind of dried veggie at this stand so we had to keep moving!

Supporting this one farmer already felt right. On we went. We stumbled across a wonderful stand with organic veggies. We indulged here as well. The romaine lettuce looked like something from farm heaven! I ate it later for lunch, and found out it was indeed worthy of my original judgement! YUM! 
This time of year, there are many more people cooking food for visitors of the market. Even though it is Florida, it still isn't peak veggie time. We got a good amount of veggies, but realized that in a couple months, there would be a lot more to choose from. Can't wait!
As we were walking out of the market, we came across my two new favorite farmers! I am in love! They were so sweet, and were selling grass fed/grass finished meat from the cows they have on their farm. It really couldn't get much better than that! We were so excited, we sort of geeked out at the fact that we had come across such a treasure! They were so nice and helpful. These were people I HAD to support! They were the ones out in the fields with the animals, making sure they were healthy and that their products would be top notch. They were from Johnston's Farm, LLC. Click on their name and check them out! They're great! We had a hard time deciding what meat to get because it honestly all looked delicious and healthy! We settled on a giant sirloin, some ground beef, and some sausage. 

We decided mid-week to cook up some of the ground beef that we bought from our new favorite farmers. It was even MORE amazing then the Strauss meat we have been buying from Publix! We couldn't get enough! We had one more package in the freezer, and we had to cook it the next day! We were craving it! I could never, and will never go back to the hormone, antibiotic, toxin filled beef that you find in the grocery store! There is such a difference in how you feel eating natural beef, and how you feel afterwards; healthy! Life changer.
We left the market that day on a high. We were so excited to have such yummy and healthy food in our bag, and we also felt really happy about supporting our local farmers. They were all such wonderful people! They go there each week to sell their food, trying to give people healthier choices. I am in love with all of the farmers at the market! I will be going back each week not only to support them, but to support my health as well! Find out where your local farmers market is.  Just click the link and you're off to better food choices!

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