Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Magnesium....the Forgotten Mineral

Chances are, like me, your daily magnesium intake is not in the forefront of your mind. I came across a little chart about a year ago that broke down cravings and what they meant. I had never really put much thought into the fact that if I was craving chocolate all the time, that probably meant that my body was lacking something. As I pondered this new concept, it seemed to make sense. Your body is an incredible machine, and if you really listen to it, it will tell you what it needs (spoiler: it wasn't chocolate!)
Magnesium is a powerful mineral that often goes overlooked by the general population. About 80% of us are not getting the amount we need, often not realizing it is an important piece of our health puzzle. While minerals like calcium get all the press, your magnesium to calcium intake ratio is what truly makes your bones strong! Who knew?

One of the leading experts on this oppressed mineral is Dr. Carolyn Dean. She is the author of "The Magnesium Miracle". She has done extensive research on the consumption, or lack of consumption rather, of magnesium. Her expertise is noted, and seems to be held as some of the most valuable and reliable information about the topic. Here is what I've learned.

Why is Magnesium Important?

Some Biological Functions of Magnesium:

1. Activates muscles and nerves

2. Helps create energy in your body

3. Aids in digestion

4. Serves as a building block for RNA and DNA synthesis

5. Is a precursor for neurotransmitters

6. Is important for heart health

Calcium and Magnesium....Friends or Enemies?

When it comes to bone health, it seems that calcium gets all the shine. You cannot turn on the TV (especially here in Florida), without an add for some sort of calcium supplement. I know, we are in the land of the retired down here, but we are being misguided when it comes to the important relationship between calcium and magnesium. How often do you see commercials geared toward the older demographic that pushes magnesium supplements for bone health? Heart health? I personally have not seen any, yet these minerals are equally important for optimal health. The truth of the matter is, calcium and magnesium are buddies. We need both of them, in pretty equal doses, to be in that great health zone. There is a misconception out there that consumption is supposed to be a 2:1 ratio; with calcium intake being the higher of the two-but that misconception was born out of context, and is not accurate. Dr. Carolyn Dean says that "Magnesium is perhaps critical for heart health, as excessive amounts of calcium without the counterbalance of magnesium can lead to a heart attack and sudden death. Your heart has the highest amount of magnesium in your body, specifically in your left ventricle. With insufficient amounts of magnesium, your heart simply cannot function properly" Wow! Part of the reason that it is so important for the heart is that proper balance of the two minerals helps with muscle function. The heart, being a large muscle, depends on us getting the balance close to even for it to have the best work environment. 

How Do I Know If I am Low on Magnesium?

There are a wide range of symptoms of magnesium deficiency. A few of the things we may experience are muscle cramps, eye twitches or other muscle twitches, headaches, muscle spasms, irregular hearth rhythms, or even numbness or tingling in arms or legs.

What is Causing this Shortage?

1. There are a few main reasons that we are not getting the magnesium we need. First, the soil that our veggies, fruits and nuts are growing in is nutrient deficient. A century ago, we were getting a lot of great nutrients from the produce we consumed because the soil had not been damaged. However, at this point, a lot of the food we eat from the Earth is not as beneficial as we dream it to be. We simply are not getting enough vitamins and minerals naturally through our foods.
2. Another reason, still diet related, is our insane sugar consumption! Did you know that for every molecule of sugar consumed, it takes 54 molecules of magnesium to process it!? We are burning through our small storage of magnesium with all of the processed junk we are eating.
3. Stress hormone production depletes our magnesium levels as well! Be rid of your stress!
4. The drugs we take also bog down our magnesium levels.

Where Can I get Some Magnesium?

If you are opting to take a supplement, beware. There are different forms of magnesium. Most of the supplements on the market are Magnesium oxide. Magnesium oxide is not easily absorbed by the body, and generally just helps you go to the bathroom. Only about 4% of this form of magnesium absorbs, so be cautious when looking at supplements. 

There are many better ways to get better magnesium absorption! One form of this is magnesium sulfate;  commonly found in Epsom salt! An epsom salt bath is a great (and super relaxing) way to get those magnesium molecules absorbed into your body. Another way would be with magnesium oil (from magnesium chloride). This can be applied topically for absorption. There are multiple forms of magnesium because there is no such thing as 100% magnesium compound supplement; it has to be bound together with another compound. 
Here is a handy-dandy little chart that helps break down different forms of magnesium that you may encounter.
Types of MG <----- CLICK 

Foods That Naturally Contain Magnesium 

1. Almonds
2. Tofu
3. Sesame Seeds
4. Bananas
5. Flaxseeds
6. Skim Milk
7. Dark green leafy vegetables
8. Sunflower Seeds
9. Cashews
10. Oatmeal
CLICK HERE and see Table 2. for more foods and their RDA levels

A product that I have found, that I love, is called Natural Calm. It is derived from magnesium carbonate (see table above). Now, this is not the best form of magnesium out there, but in combination with some Epsom salt, I am on the right path.....and this stuff tastes SO yummy! My favorite is the raspberry lemonade flavor! 

Magnesium is a mineral that often flies under the radar. When understanding our bodies and how they function, it is important to have the best picture of how we can accomplish pique performance. The more we know, the healthier lives we can live. I learned that magnesium also plays a roll in leaky gut, which I suffered from as well! The human body is complex and amazing. Continue taking the time to learn what is happening in your body, how it works, and how you can make it better. 

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