Wednesday, October 21, 2015

It's Been Far Too Long

It has been a little while since I have has gotten a bit busy! But, I am going to consciously try to keep up, because things in my life have been on the upswing with food and overall health!
Let me bring you up to speed. I have been on a mission to heal my intestines and gain complete body health, from the inside out. I have felt so much better lately, and have a few things to thank for that. The three main contributors to my happy insides are Isagenix, quality probiotics, and more organic/natural food choices. The trifecta has gotten me to a great place. 
I decided recently to roll the food dice. As I had talked about in some of my other posts, I have struggled with a lot of food sensitivities. Many of these surfaced because of those pesky holes in my intestines. I became painfully sensitive to a ton of things. The first foods that I was able to identify as horrible for my body were grapes, apples, peanuts, and dairy. These four things made my stomach hurt just looking at them. Phew! Well, since I have been feeling pretty great lately, I wanted to test out my less-holey gut-see what it could handle. So, on a Sunday morning (I would never do this on a school day!) I ate an organic apple. Apples are one of my favorite things and since it was fast approaching peak apple season, I had to Russian roulette the bugger. Much to my amazement, I felt FINE after I ate it! All day I was waiting for my stomach to alter my daily routine of errands, but the pain, discomfort, and bloating never came! What?!?! I was beyond excited! So, I decided to try another one the next day....same results! I was so excited, I text my sister in all caps talking in gibberish about how wonderful apples are! Spoiler alert.....peanuts in small doses are tolerable now too!

I cannot believe how my body is healing each and every day. Since I made the decision 10 months ago to figure out a way to heal my body, because doctors were clearly not helping, I did not think I would see the day when I could eat the things that used to make me curl up in a ball on the floor in pain/discomfort and bloat. 
Food truly is medicine. I have used this food and Isagenix as vehicles to heal and to improve my inner health. I am juggling all that life throws at a person, and do not feel tired anymore. I wake up in the morning ready to tackle the day. I could not get through all the craziness of the day without these vital changes I made for myself and my health. 
I continue to learn a lot about health and wellness. I will make a strong effort to post more often, because my original reason for creating this tool was to hopefully help someone somewhere realize that they are not alone, and that there is hope. Feeling better is a reality. I felt so alone, and no one should feel this way. 
Look for my next post about the amazing benefits of magnesium! 