Monday, August 3, 2015

Healthy Meat Outlook

Ok, so you aren't going to grow udders and a tail from your meat, but when I research and see what is going into meats, I understand why the meat in the grocery stores was making me so sick. 

The meats in the stores are full of hormones, antibiotics and toxins. We already know these things. We already know that the icky junk that our country deems fine to put in our meats has been banned by the entire European Union, Canada, Australia, Japan and New Zealand. We know that there are so many things in our foods in the United States that are banned in tons of other civilized countries around the world! We know that at one time, the European Union refused to import meats from the United States because of all the things we were injecting into our meats. We know that 80% of the antibiotics used in this country are used on animals, and only 20% are actually used on humans. We know that there are 6 steroidal hormones that the FDA approves to be pumped into our livestock. EEK! The scary stats go on and on. These are things that most of us have at least heard before, but these stats are staggering and super disturbing. CLICK HERE for more information from the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

Another aspect that I don't think as many people think about is what the animals are not only being injected with, but what they are eating. They are eating the veggies and grains that we have been warned against. We have been educated on how many pesticides and chemicals reside on our produce and how to avoid that (eat organic!) but do we think about the cows, sheep, chicken, or turkeys that we eat? They too are fed grains and things that are pesticide ridden. YUCK! We have to be aware of what we are putting in our bodies, and our family's bodies! Combine the gunk that is injected into the meats, and then the chemicals and things they eat on top of that, and we have some pretty nasty meat! 

CLICK HERE to be brought to the page where this photo came from. These stats could be different now with the healthy meats movement trucking along. 

In my journey to better health and wellness, I realized through eliminating things, and re-introducing them, that the meats that are non-organic and are full of gross things make me very sick to my stomach; not just figuratively, but physically as well! I have made the choice to eat a better quality of meat, and have along the way shown my family how delicious and healthy it is for them as well. A couple weeks ago, we went up to a farm in Vermont while I was on vacation, and got some fresh grass fed beef from a super friendly farmer! Being at the farm, I could see what they were eating adn how they were living. I saw no chemicals being sprayed, I just saw happy animals running free on the vast acres of land made available to them! That night, we cooked up an enormous steak on the grill (it fed five adults). My father, a bit of a skeptic, didn't know that the steak was "different". He could not stop eating it, and kept asking what was different about it. He went on and on about how it was the best steak he had ever had! We explained that it was a healthy cow that he was eating. He started to see the difference in that moment. The difference not only in the taste, but also how he felt after he ate it. He knew it was a healthier choice, and understood where I was coming from a little bit more. I think he may be visiting that farm in the very near future!

This journey has dealt me a heavy dose of reality, but I have also seen the light moving forward. We are living in an exciting time; meat and food wise. We are in an age where people are staring to realize how gross it is that the meats we ingest are full of disgusting things, and we are starting to be vocal about. We are being our own advocates, since the FDA hasn't really stepped up. There are more companies feeling the pressure from the public, and changes are starting to happen. Companies such as Chipotle, Pepsi, Nestle, Tyson, and Kraft are some of the leaders of the pack. These companies have started vocalizing changes that will be made within them, and with the products they are putting out to the public. CLICK HERE to see some of the changes they are starting to make. It is not only the meats we are eating, but all of the products we are consuming that contain GMOs and just plain nasty chemicals. As we see companies begin to step up and move in the right direction, I can only get excited. It is one step in the right direction to a happier and much healthier nation! 

Be mindful of the things you are putting into your body and the bodies of your family! One dose of a chemical filled piece of meat won't do a lot of damage (though the thought is just gross), but over a lifetime, it has shown to have a lot of negative health affects ranging from cancer to heart disease. Inspect the meat you put into your cart, and you will see and feel a difference.